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ECRURF have adopted the RFU's Child Protection Policy.
When refereeing young players match officials should
* Recognise the importance of fun and enjoyment when officiating
young players
* Provide verbal feedback in a positive way during games
* Appreciate the needs of the players
* Be a positive role model
* Recognise that safety is paramount
* Explain decisions - most young players are still learning
* Do not tolerate verbal abuse
should not
* Change in the same area as young players
* Shower with young players - agree with the coaches a timetable
* Be alone with young players at any time - if a young player
comes into the dressing room ensure another adult is present
* Check studs without the coach being present
* Administer first aid
* Allow a young player to continue playing if you have doubts
about their fitness
* Tolerate bad language from young players
* Engage in any inappropriate contact with young players
* Give a lift to a player unless there are other young people or
adults in the car and the parents are aware
* Take a young player to your home
* Overtly criticise young players or use language which may cause
the player to lose confidence or self esteem
* Make sexually explicit remarks to young players even in fun
Officials must always
* Report, in writing, to the Club or CB Welfare Officer and/or
Society Secretary, behaviour by adults which you feel contravenes RFU Child
Protection Policy
o Verbal bullying by coaches/parents/spectators
o Physical Abuse by coaches/parents/spectators
o Inappropriate or aggressive contact by an adult to a young
o Verbal abuse directed at you by young people or adults
"The welfare of all young people is paramount"
Child Protection Guidelines
KB.agt April 2003